Health & Safety Policy
Hydratorque Qld is committed to safeguarding the health & safety of our employees and everyone who visits our work areas.
Our primary goal is to achieve a “Zero Harm” workplace by striving to maintain safe systems of work throughout all Hydratorque operations.
We recognise that to achieve this goal we need the positive involvement of management, the allocation of adequate resources and the active participation and support of all employees.
We are achieving this by:
- Developing and implementing workplace practices and procedures that aim to ensure, as a minimum, compliance with legislative requirements.
- Identifying hazards and assessing foreseeable risks, and implementing appropriate controls.
- Ensuring all incidents are fully investigated and action taken to prevent recurrence.
- Regular communication to all employees
- Providing adequate information, training and supervision.
All Hydratorque employees are required to;
- Adhere to the company’s safe work practices, objectives and instructions
- Immediately report any unsafe practices/equipment/conditions to their supervisor
- Not misuse, damage, refuse to use or interfere with anything provided for the purposes of occupational health and safety
- Perform all work duties in a manner that provides health and safety for everyone
Hydratorque Qld will remain committed to eliminating incidents that result in injury or occupational illness.